Thursday, November 29, 2007

Shutdown Windows Xp Faster

Easy way to shutdown your Windows Xp faster is to disable clearing of your paging file.
Whenever you choose to shutdown your computer, Windows clears your paging file. It is used to store temporary files, needed for some applications to work.
Sometimes passwords can end up in paging file so some people lite it more when paging file is cleared on shutdown.
Clearing the paging file can make shutting down quite long, so disabling it makes shutting down faster.
If you are security concerned, you are not advised to do it (should stop reading this text from this point).
First you open "Registry Editor". You do it by clicking "Start", "Run", and type "regedit" in run box, and hit "Enter".
To disable "clear paging file on shutdown" find this registry entry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

... and change the value of ClearPageFileAtShutdown to 0.
And there you go, close Registry Editor, restart your computer, and next time you start up your PC, it will shutdown faster.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Send To (Windows 2000 and XP)

In this tutorial you will learn how to personalize your Send To shortcuts. This way you can add or remove shortcuts. First thing you need to do is to unhide the system files in order to see the Send To shortcuts.
And so it begins:

- Open Windows Explorer

- Next thing you have to do is click Tools => Folder Options => View tab

- Enable the option "Show hidden files and folders" and click OK

- Next thing you do is go to Documents and Settings => Your Windows user name folder => SendTo (eg. c:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\SendTo

- When you're in you can add shortcuts (by dragging) or remove them from the SendTo folder.

There you go, it is simple as that.
Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How To Disable Dr. Watson

If you want to disable Dr. Watson follow these steps:

1. Click Start => click Run, type regedit.exe in Run window, and then click OK.

2. Next thing is to find following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug

Good to know: if you want later to restore changes that you made to you registry, follow steps 3. and 4. , if not go to step 5.

3. Click the AeDebug key, and click Export Registry File on the Registry menu (you can also find it in the right click menu)

4. Enter a name and choose a location for the registry file that you want to save, and then click Save.

5. Finally delete the AeDebug key.

And that is how you do it.
If you want to re-enable Dr. Watson again type drwtsn32 -i (click Start => click Run ...)

I tried it on Windows Xp, I haven't checked other versions of Windows, so if somebody did try it, feel free to inform me.

How To Disable Adobe Updater

You have all probably noticed that when you open your Adobe software, aditional application is started, Adobe Updater.
It tries to make an internet connection and in some cases uses a lot of resources.
Easy way to get rid of the Adobe Updater is to delete "update5" folder (make a backup copy of the folder, just in case if you need it later).
It is usually located here "c:/program files/common files/adobe/update5"
After deleting it your problem should be solved.

I hope this helps you.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Windows Xp Themes

Everybody is well familiar with the basic Windows Xp looks, majority of people use it. Of course, you can use alternative, Windows Classic theme (quite usable if you have low performance computer, but not very attractive).
On the other hand, there are lot of people that use 3rd party software to change the appearance (themes) of their Windows Xp. Bad side of this is that it don't always work as expected and it can slow down your pc.

If you don't want to install 3rd party software you can use these themes:

Royal Theme Download

Zune Theme Download